Turkish language and literature
Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate - master's study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master's degree in Turkish language and literature
Teaching staff
Bulletin board
RESULTS of the exam in the course New Turkish Literature I and II
June 27, 2014
RESULTS of the New Turkish Literature I exam held on June 12, 2014. years. 1. Merima Kobilica 6 (six)...
RESULTS of the exam in the subject Teaching Turkish I and II
June 27, 2014
RESULTS of the exam from the subject Teaching Turkish language I held on June 12, 2014. years. 1. Elma Lušija 8 (eight)…
RESULTS of the exam in the subject History of the Turkish language
June 27, 2014
1. Medisa Zahirović 8 (eight) Dr. Lemi Akın
RESULTS of the examination from the subject Divan Literature I and II
June 27, 2014
RESULTS of the examination from the subject Divan Literature I held on 13 June 2014. years. 1. Adriana Omeragić 6 (six) ...