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Turkish language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate - master's study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master's degree in Turkish language and literature


Bulletin board

Master's thesis defense - Merjema Čavalić

Candidate Merjema Čavalić, professor of Turkish language and literature, from Sarajevo, will defend her master's thesis under...

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The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Sarajevo organized a gathering of students from all Turkish language study programs and...

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The Turkish language and literature study program successfully implemented a Turkish language course for high school students in Zenica

As part of the "Days of the Faculty of Philosophy" event, a Turkish language course was organized for female students and...

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Master's thesis defense - Asja Mešić

Candidate Asja Mešić, professor of Turkish language and literature, from Tuzla, will defend her master's thesis under...

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