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Turkish language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate - master's study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master's degree in Turkish language and literature


Bulletin board

RESULTS of the New Turkish Literature I exam held on June 10, 2015. years

1. Amer Selimović 7 (seven) 2. Edna Muratović 8 (eight) 3. Irma Hibić 8 (eight)...

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RESULTS of the exam in the subject Contemporary Turkish Literature II held on June 11, 2015. years

1. Munevera Selman 10 (ten) 2. Elma Hukić 10 (ten) 3. Lamija Kadrić 9 (nine)...

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RESULTS of the exam in the subject Teaching Turkish II held on June 8, 2015. years

1. Yusuf Köylü 10 (ten) 2. Alma Ormanović 9 (nine) 3. Lejla Merdic 8 (eight)...

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RESULTS of the exam in the subject Teaching Turkish language I held on June 8, 2015. years

1. Emina Grabus 8 (eight) 2. Emına Ljuma 7 (seven) 3. Nejra Kolić 6 (six)...

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