Turkish language and literature
Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate - master's study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master's degree in Turkish language and literature
Teaching staff
Bulletin board
Results of the exam in the subject Lexicology (February 8, 2016)
21. February 2016.
1. Emina Grabus 6 (six) 2. Emina Smajiš 8 (eight) 3. Amina Kozlić 8 (eight)...
Results of the exam in the subject Culture of speech (February 10, 2016)
21. February 2016.
1. Berina Meškić 8 (eight) 2. Muamer Sivac 7 (seven) 3. Amila Jahić 7 (seven)...
Exam results from the subject Conversation exercises (February 12, 2016)
21. February 2016.
1. Lamija Šišić 10 (ten) 2. Mersiha Kovač 10 (ten) Assoc. Ph.D. Ahmet Saçkesen
Exam results from the subject Languages in Contact (February 10, 2016)
21. February 2016.
1. Adna Lišić 6 (six) 2. Mersiha Kovač 6 (six) Assoc. Ph.D. Edina Solak