Turkish language and literature
Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate - master's study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master's degree in Turkish language and literature
Teaching staff
Bulletin board
RESULTS of the exam in the subject Contemporary Turkish Literature II (June 28, 2016)
1. July 2016.
Sumeja Skopljak 10 (ten) Safet Palić 9 (nine) Bajrema Dizdarević 8 (eight) Zehrudina Mušić 8...
RESULTS of the exam in the subject Contemporary Turkish Literature I (June 28, 2016)
1. July 2016.
Armin Smriko 6 (six) Assoc. Ph.D. Ahmet Saçkesen
RESULTS of the General Linguistics exam (June 27, 2016)
1. July 2016.
Amela Skomorac 8 (eight) Assoc. Ph.D. Edina Solak
RESULTS of the Lexicology exam (June 27, 2016)
1. July 2016.
Berina Meškić 8 (eight) Jusuf Köylü 9 (nine) Assoc. dr. Edina Solak