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Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian language and literature

Study program level: I cycle / undergraduate study
Head of study program: Assoc. Ph.D. Ikbal Smajlović
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Professor of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language and literature



Studiraj Bosanski, hrvatski, srpski jezik i književnost!

Studij Bosanskog, hrvatskog, srpskog jezika i književnosti njeguje jezičku i književnu baštinu, razvijajući kritičko mišljenje i kreativno izražavanje kroz proučavanje jezika, književnosti i kulture.

Bulletin board

Marked the 25th year of work of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica

Marked the 25th year of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica - Today, in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy...

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A two-day workshop for professors, assistants and master's students of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica

Two-day workshop for professors, assistants and master's students of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica - 17.i...

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Workshop entitled "Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning"

------------------- -------------- Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning...

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The Faculty of Philosophy participated in the campaign "16 days of activism against gender-based violence"

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica also participated in a series of activities this year with the aim of...

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