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Visiting dr. Ivan Buljan

As part of the CEEPUS program, that is, the CEEPUS network "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity", at the University of Zenica from April 7 to 14, 2019, Dr. Ivana Buljan, assistant professor at the Department of Sinology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Along with meetings and conversations with colleagues from Zenica, dr. Ivana Buljan gave two lectures to university students:

- Monday, April 9, lecture "Philosophy of Ritual: Confucian Perspective" within the subject "Ethics" at the Department of Classroom Teaching of the Faculty of Philosophy,

- Thursday, April 12, lecture "Daoist theories of body cultivation" within the course "Cultural Anthropology" at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy.


Ivana Buljan (born in 1976 in Zagreb) completed her studies in philosophy and Croatian studies. He is pursuing postgraduate studies in Chinese philosophy in the People's Republic of China. He finished his study of sinology in Zagreb, and additional sinology subjects

As a scholarship recipient of the Flemish Foundation, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Elements of the Syncretist Tradition in the Chunqiu Fanlu's Chapters on the Theory of Rulership." He deals with the philological and philosophical reconstruction of early Chinese texts. She is the head of the Department of Sinology, deputy head of the Department of Indology and Far Eastern Studies, is on the editorial board of the journal Asian Studies, and on the board of the European Association of Chinese Philosophy.


CEEPUS network "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity" ( is the only network in the CEEPUS program that is dedicated to philosophy and interdisciplinary research on a philosophical basis. It was launched in the academic year 2016/2017. and brings together nineteen institutions from nine countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia), including the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Zenica. The coordinator of this CEPUS network at the University of Zenica is dr. Bernard Harbaš.



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