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EXAM RESULTS from the subject Syntax of simple and complex sentences

No. index exam Teaching laid by %: Final rating
5665 13p 43% 5 7 parc. 5
5142 21p 35% 5 5 100% 5
5490 20p 54.5% 6- 9, 7 2014 50% 7
4833 names. 27.5p 47% 5 5 100% 5
5053 13p 22% 5 8, 7 2014 50% 5
? im. 13p 22% 5 100% 5

Points: 100% exam 60p, partial exam 37p

Scale 55% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10

Inspection of works, registration of grades: Tuesday 29/9/2015 at 11:30 a.m

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