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Visiting professor Hrvoje Jurić at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zenica

As part of the CEEPUS program, i.e. the CEEPUS network "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity", from March 31 to April 6, 2019, Dr. Hrvoje Jurić, part-time professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb.


As part of his visit, Professor Jurić held two lectures for students of the Faculty of Philosophy:


- on Monday, April 1, the lecture "The Meaning of Ethics" within the subject "Ethics" at the Department of Classroom Teaching of the Faculty of Philosophy,

- on Thursday, April 4, the lecture "Man - between nature and culture" within the course "Cultural Anthropology" at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy.


Professor Hrvoje Jurić (born in 1975 in Bihać) is a philosopher who primarily deals with ethics and bioethics, about which he has published numerous works. He is the head of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, an editor in the prestigious journals "Filozofska istraživanja" and "Synthesis philosophica" and the president of the Croatian Bioethical Society.


CEEPUS network "Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity" ( is the only network in the CEEPUS program that is dedicated to philosophy and interdisciplinary research on a philosophical basis. It was launched in the academic year 2016/2017. and brings together nineteen institutions from nine countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia), including the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Zenica. The coordinator of this CEPUS network at the University of Zenica is dr. Bernard Harbaš.


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