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Turkish language and literature

Study program level: I cycle / undergraduate study
Head of study program: prof. dr. Edina Solak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Professor of Turkish language and literature



Studiraj Turski jezik i književnost!

Studij Turskog jezika i književnosti otvara vrata bogatoj kulturi i historiji, razvijajući jezične vještine i književnu analizu za akademsku i profesionalnu budućnost.

Bulletin board

Exam results in B/H/S language I (February 11, 2016)

The written part of the exam in B/H/S language I was passed by: Šejla Bektaš 9 Ece Babus 9...

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Pedagogy exam results -9.2. 2016

Rb. Name and surname: Points Rating 1. Samka Omanović 12 five (5) 2. Amina...

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Notification about exams with Assoc. Dr. Marijana Nikolić

All exams with Assoc. Dr. Marijane Nikolić scheduled for Thursday, February 11. (B/H/S Language I and B/H/S Language…

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Results of the Oral Expression exam held on January 26, 2016. years

1. Erna Alić 10 (ten) 2. Nasiha Ahmić 10 (ten) 3. Jusuf Köylü 10 (ten)...

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