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The results of the final exams held on 14/12/2015

Phonology and morphology in generative grammar

No. Index lays down Exam: points, percentages (scale), fin. grade
5142 100% 13p 29%, 5
4967 100% 21p 48%, 5
4351 100% 24.5p 54.5% 6-
5493 100% 23p 52% 5

Max. Points: 44

Syntax and semantics in generative grammar

No. Index lays down Exam: points, percentages (scale), grade
5148 100% 8.5p 20% 5
3137 100% 15p 36% 5
3723 100% 14p 33% 5

Max. Points: 42

Contrastive grammar of English and BHS

No. Index Teaching Exam: points, percentages (scale), grade, final grade
5317 (6.6 lessons) 17p 46% 5
5502 (6.6 lessons) 22p 59% 6, 6
5142 8p 22% 5

Max. Points 37

Note: Inspection of works, registration of grades, Tuesday, January 5, 2016 from 12:00 in the OEJK office.

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