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The results of the final exams held on 13/10/2015

Syntax and semantics in generative grammar

No. index Exam (coef.2) claims: Final rating
3137 21p 44% 5 100% 5
4694 4 p. 8% 5 100% 5
4961 (7 and 5 classes 2014) 0p 0% 5 50% 5
3213 26p 54.5% 6- 100% 6


Contrastive grammar of English and BHS

No. index Exam (coef.2) Final rating
5502 (6.6 classes 2015) 22p 48% 5 5

Phonology and morphology in generative grammar

No. index Examination claims: Final rating
5148 17p 42% 5 100 5
4967 14p. 35% 5 100 5
3723 29p 72% 7 100 7
4351 1p 2.5% 5 100 5
abs. no. ??? 13p 33% 5 100% 5

Syntax of simple and complex sentences

No. index exam (100%) final grade
4833 names. 30.5p 54.5% 6- 6
5142 abs. 23p 40% 5 5

  Scale 55% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10   

Students who took the exams and did not report the exam on time, are obliged to bring the reports to the teacher for review. Registration for graduate exams is done before the exam at the student service .

Inspection of papers, entry of grades: Mondays from 3:30 p.m. in the Department's office.

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