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Study program: Mathematics and computer science

Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Naida Bikić
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of Mathematics and Informatics in the field of mathematics/informatics

Bulletin board

First math evening

Tonight, as part of the celebration of 30 years of work and existence of the Faculty of Philosophy, the first mathematical...

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Math Comic-Con: Competition for the best math comic

OBJECTIVES The goal of Math Comic-Con is to provide students of the University of Zenica with the opportunity to explore and express…

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Master's thesis defense - Marija Matošević

Candidate Marija Matošević, professor of mathematics and computer science, from Nova Bila, will publicly defend her master's thesis...

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Methodical practice – MATHEMATICS

Today, students of SP Mathematics and Informatics held mathematics classes as part of our methodological...

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