Study program: Mathematics and computer science
Study program level: II cycle / postgraduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Naida Bikić
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of Mathematics and Informatics in the field of mathematics/informatics
Teaching staff
Bulletin board
Results of part of the exam from the course "Application software" module "Theoretical foundations of application software"
24. February 2014.
Name and surname Number of points Rating Horić Sead 66 7 Kasumović Redžiba 75 8 Krdžalić...
Final exam results from the subject "Application Software"
24. February 2014.
Name and surname Word Excel Mathematica Theory Finally Beso Measures 6 6 NP NP 5...
Results of the 2nd partial final part of the exam in Basics of Mathematics 1, held on February 19, 2014
21. February 2014.
THEY PASSED (max-20): 1. Dalila Hećimović 17.0. An insight into the works and grades can be...
RESULTS of the final part of the exam in Differential Equations, Analysis 1 and Analysis 2, held on February 19, 2014. years
21. February 2014.
They passed Differential Equations (Max-40): 1. Mehinović Adnan 25.0. They passed Analysis 1: 1. Husetović...