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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: I cycle / undergraduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Professor of English language and literature


Study English language and literature!

For those who love the English language, love Anglo-American literature, enjoy translating, want to learn about countries where English is the official language, and enjoy doing projects and expressing creativity.

Experiences of our students

What our students say about us...

  • academic and professional skills
  • the foundation for a successful career

2024 English Language Day
Student Conference

Faculty of Philosophy – English Language and Literature Study Program


English Language Day Student Conference

Bulletin board

Contact seminar between German and BiH universities for Erasmus+ projects

On Thursday, 15.11.2018. A UNZE delegation led by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, prof. dr.…

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Competition for students of the University of Zenica for mobility in 2018/19. within the Erasmus+ program cooperation with partner countries KA107- University of Saarland, Germany

The Office for International Cooperation of the University of Zenica announces the Competition for applications for exchange students in...

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Student tribune in Zenica

On the effective and efficient training of young people for the active and responsible role of citizens in a democratic society...

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Date of registration of grades with prof. Ph.D. Nevzudina Buzadjije

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Deadline for entering grades with prof. Ph.D. Nevzudina Buzadjije They are informed...

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