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The Student Association of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica is a student association with the basic task of protecting the interests of all students of the Faculty of Philosophy, to promote them, to fight for the improvement of the position of students and to solve any problems students may have with professors or the administration. In short, the Association deals with all those issues that concern students.

The association can organize various projects and activities at the faculty. In cooperation with subject teachers, sports sections (football, volleyball, basketball, handball, chess), film, drama and dance sections are currently organized.

Each study year from each department has its own representative in the Association who represents the views of the faculty, department and his/her study year.

The student association has four representatives in the scientific-teaching council of the Faculty of Philosophy, so students can directly influence the implementation and organization of the scientific-teaching process.


Librarian Pasha Jašarević, lawyer
Working hours 7:30 - 16:00
Work with students 7:30 - 16:00
Pause 9:30 - 10:00
Telephone 032/206-138


Reading room

During the summer semester of the academic year 2016/2017. A reading room opened for all students of the Faculty of Philosophy, which is also a German studies library. The entire library collection of the Department of German Language and Literature has been placed in new cabinets that are available to all students for borrowing and use in the reading room. The reading room is open every day from 08.00-15.30.


Enrollment in the first year of the first cycle of studies is based on a public competition announced by the Senate of the University of Zenca, for the number of places to which the Government of the Canton has given prior approval.

Candidates who have completed a four-year secondary school have the right to participate in the competition.

The ranking of candidates for admission is based on general success and individual success in subjects relevant to the chosen study, which the candidate achieved in a four-year high school. There is no entrance exam.

According to the Law on Higher Education of the Zenica-Doboj Canton and the Statute of the University of Zenica, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have completed a four-year secondary school in Bosnia and Herzegovina have the right to participate in the Contest/Competition, as well as candidates who graduated from secondary school outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and for whom, after the equivalence procedure, it was determined that they have completed adequate education to continue their education.

To apply for the Competition for admission to the first year of study, candidates must attach the following documents:

  1. enrollment request;
  2. original certificates of completed high school grades completed in BiH for a four-year period, i.e. corresponding notarized documents for candidates who did not complete high school in BiH;
  3. original high school diploma;
  4. birth certificate;
  5. Certificate of Citizenship;
  6. other documents relevant for determining the number of points according to the competition criteria.



Enrollment in the first year of the second cycle of studies is done on the basis of a public competition announced by the Senate of the University of Zenca, for the number of places to which the Government of the Canton has given prior consent.

Candidates who have completed the I (first) cycle of studies in the field of economic sciences in a four-year duration and have acquired 240 ECTS credits are entitled to participate in the competition.

The ranking of candidates for admission is based on the success achieved in the first cycle of studies. Candidates with a higher average grade achieved in the 1st cycle of studies are given preference for admission.

According to the Law on Higher Education of the Zenica-Doboj Canton and the Statute of the University of Zenica, the following have the right to participate in the Contest/Competition:

  • citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • foreign citizens and stateless persons who obtained a diploma of the first cycle of study (undergraduate studies) valued at 240 ECTS points;
  • candidates who obtained a diploma of the first cycle of study (undergraduate study) outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and for whom it was determined after the nostrification/equivalence procedure that they have completed adequate education for continuing education.
  • Exceptionally, candidates who completed their first cycle of studies (undergraduate studies) outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the right to participate in the Competition even before the completion of the certification/equivalence of the diploma of the completed first cycle of studies (undergraduate studies) abroad, but they can enroll in the first year after certifications/equivalences of completed education abroad, no later than the beginning of the 2014/2015 academic year.

Candidates must submit the following documents when applying for the Contest/Competition for enrollment in the first year of the second study cycle (master's degree):

  1. biography,
  2. a certified copy of the diploma or a certificate of graduation and completion of the first cycle of studies (undergraduate studies) which is valued at 240 or 180 ECTS points,
  3. birth certificate,
  4. Certificate of Citizenship,
  5. certificate of success achieved during the first cycle of studies (undergraduate studies) with an overview of all subjects and grades (diploma supplement),
  6. declaration of acceptance of the obligation to pay the costs of the second cycle of study (master's study) only for full-time self-financing, part-time students and students of foreign nationals.
  7. competition application form (obtainable at the Faculty's student service desk),

The transfer of students from other higher education institutions to the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica is regulated by the Statute of the University of Zenica, as follows:

Statute of the University of Zenica

Section E. Transfer from another university and method of recognition of passed exams


Article 245 (Transfer from another university)

  1. Students from other universities can transfer and continue their respective studies at the University, in which case the exams passed are recognized in their entirety, if there is the sameness and/or affinity of the teaching programs, i.e. their content and scope.
  2. If there is a difference in the curricula of the subjects passed, it is determined and the student is obliged to pass it.
  3. After the completion of the procedure for the recognition of passed exams, the status of a student at the University is determined for the transferring student, identical to the status he had at the higher education institution from which he is transferring.


Article 246 (Request for transfer)

  1. The student submits the application for transfer, along with certified curricula and programs of passed subjects (only for students outside the University), and a certificate of passed exams and ECTS credits, to the faculty, no later than September 15 of the current year.
  2. The decision on the approval of transfer within the University and from another University is made by the dean.
  3. The decision from the previous paragraph can be appealed to the NNV/UNV of the faculty/academy/high school, within 8 (eight) days, counting from the day of its reception.


Article 247 (Decision on recognition of exams)

  1. The decision on the recognition of passed exams from another university is made by the teaching-scientific council, on the proposal of the teaching committee.
  2. The preparation of the proposal for the recognition of the exam, on the prescribed form, is carried out by the teaching committee, which consists of the vice dean for teaching of the faculty and the ECTS coordinators of the University and the faculty.
  3. Against the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, an objection can be lodged with the NNV/UNV of the faculty.
  4. The decision on the objection is final.


Article 248. (Transfer from one study program to another, within the University)

Analogous to Articles 245 and 246 of this Statute, it is possible to transfer from one study program to another, within the University, under the conditions that the transferring candidate can be recognized for at least 2 (two) exams passed at the organizational unit from which he transfers, if the conditions are met from Article 242, paragraph (1) point a) and b) and that the teaching of the study year and the study program from which the student is transferring and to which he is transferring is not called into question, in accordance with valid standards and norms in the field of higher education.

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