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The results of the final exams in the subjects held on 12/30/2014

Phonology and morphology in generative grammar

Final rating Teaching exam % Exam (points, %, grade)
Arnaut Fenaheta                5 100% 10/40 i.e. 25%
Capular of Ivan                5 5 5 50% 9/30 that is 30%
Kulačić Emina                8               100% 32/40 i.e. 80%


Syntax and semantics in generative grammar

Final rating Teaching exam % Exam (points, %, grade)
Porca Evelina                7               5 5 100% 29,5/40 ie 73.7%
Ruvić Edina                5 100% 0/40 i.e. 0%
TRijana Eskeredžić                7               100% 27/40 i.e. 69.5%

Comprehensive exam: max. points 40

  Scale 55% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10       

Inspection of papers, entry of grades: during the consultation period (Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday by appointment).

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