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RESULTS OF THE EXAM held on February 9, 2015. from the subject Introduction to syntactic analysis

Surname, first name (exam %) Teaching (grade) Exam (points, scale, grade) Ztotal evaluation (scale)
Alihodžić Aldin (50%) 6 16.5p 55% 6 6 (60%)
Krajinic Larisa (50%) 8 29p 96% 10 9 (93%)
Malagić Esmir (50%) 6 25p 83% 8 7 (73%)
Šehić Adisa (100%) 5 35p 64% 6 6 (64%)

Registration of grades: Monday, February 23, 11 a.m

Zenica, February 10, 2015
From the Department

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