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Name of the study program Physical education and sports
Scientific field Social Sciences
Head / leader of the study program
Level of study program I cycle: Undergraduate
Native scientific field Kinesiology
Home areas O – 1. Methodology and methodology in sport
O – 2. Transformational processes in sport
O – 3. Basic sports
O – 4. Team sports
O – 5. Combat sports
O – 6. Winter sports
O – 7. Recreational kinesiology programs
O – 8. Organization and management in sports
O – 9. Systemic kinesiology
O – 10. Kinesitherapy
O – 11. Sport and tourism
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies Professor of physical education and sports
Scientific/artistic field of the study program Social Sciences
Duration of the study program (is there a possibility of distance learning, part-time study, etc.) The study lasts four years and is divided into eight semesters.
There is a possibility of part-time studies.
The minimum number of ECTS points required to complete the studies 240 ECTS
Conditions of study enrollment The basic conditions for enrolling in the study program are completed four-year high school/passed the entrance exam.
Candidates are ranked based on:
– general success,
- success in mother tongue, foreign language, physical education and biology (subjects important for study)
- results achieved in top sport
– special recognitions in the academic field
- the results achieved on the entrance exam,
High school performance scores are calculated according to the criteria and standards for determining the order of admission of candidates for enrollment in the first year of studies at higher education institutions of the University of Zenica.
Candidates are ranked based on the total number of points obtained according to the following criteria:
General criterion refers to success achieved in high school and is a maximum of 30 points, and is determined by multiplying the average grade in all subjects in all grades, rounded to two decimal places, by 6.
Single criterion refers to success achieved in four subjects in four grades of high school important for study (MOTHER LANGUAGE, FOREIGN LANGUAGE, BIOLOGY AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION) and amounts to a maximum of 40 points, and is determined by rounding the average grade from the group of these subjects to two decimal places and multiply by 8.
Special criterion and on this basis, the candidate receives additional points, for the achieved results in high school competitions in subjects important for study.
Entrance examination in which candidates can obtain a maximum of 30 points. The admissions exam consists of
Test of general sports information - 0 - 5 points
Interview – 0 – 5 points
Test of motor skills – 0 – 20 points
All criteria and tests will be described in more detail in the regulations on the entrance exam
A candidate who is the holder of the special award "Student of the Generation", and candidates who have achieved top sports results (National Champion, Balkan Championship one of the first three places, European Championship one of the first three places, World Championship one of the first three places, Olympic Games or Mediterranean Games one of the first three places) enrolls in the course without any previous conditions. Note* Due to the specificity of the study program, candidates are required, when submitting the document, to attach a medical certificate as proof of their health status*.
Learning outcomes The following learning outcomes arise from the designed Study Program:
- education of students to work in the field of teaching Physical and Health Education in preschool institutions, primary schools, secondary schools and higher education institutions,
- contribution to the improvement of research and professional work in the field of physical education and sports,
- familiarization with modern scientific knowledge in the field of physical and health education, recreation and competitive sports,
- the formation of a critical attitude and the development of critical thinking,
- understanding the value of physical and health education, sports and recreation in the lives of children, youth and adults,
- education of students for the logical connection of teaching units in the function of the activities they will be engaged in later,
- training students to continue their education at higher levels of education.
The purpose of this study program is the education of modern, competent and independent bachelors/professors of physical education and sports, and sports recreation who will fully serve the needs of the social community.
Possibility of employment – Physical education professors in preschool, primary and secondary schools.
– Assistants at higher education institutions.
– Sports pedagogues in competitive youth sports and in sports schools.
- In sports programs that are performed within the target population (army, police, etc.).
-Coaches in amateur, semi-amateur and professional sports.
– Sports education professors in the "Sports for All" programs.
– Fitness educators.
– Managers in top sports.
- Governing bodies at the local, cantonal, federal and state levels.
- In the business world of sports (sports industry, sports marketing, sports tourism)
– To other institutions and companies where higher education in social direction is required
Possibility of continuing studies After successfully completing the first cycle of studies (undergraduate), all students have the opportunity to continue their studies in the second cycle of studies at related and complementary faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.
Parent subjects
P- 1. Theory and practice of physical education and sports I
P- 2. Theory and practice of physical education and sports II
P- 3. Basics of biomechanics
P- 4. Methodology of scientific research in sports
P- 5. Kinesiometry
P- 6. General methodology of physical education and sports
P- 7. Methodology of physical and health education in primary and secondary school
P- 8. Physical activity, sport and health
P- 9. Data analysis methods in kinesiology
P- 10. Elementary games
P- 11. Body chamber I
P- 12. Body chamber II
P- 13. Physical examination I (optional)
P- 14. Body room II (optional)
P- 15. Sports
P- 16. Sports
P- 17. Sports
P- 18. Physical education I
P- 19. Physical education II
P- 20. Physical education III
P- 21. Physical education IV
P- 22. Culture of sport
P- 23. Physical education I
P- 24. Physical education II
P- 25. Physical education III
P- 26. Physical education IV
P- 27. Physical education V
P- 28. Physical education VI
P- 29. Physical education VII
P- 30 Physical education VIII
P- 31. Body and health culture
P- 32. Theory of physical and health education
P- 33. Basics of kinesiology
P- 34. Kinesiological methodology I
P- 35. Kinesiology methodology II
P- 36. Sports culture I
P- 37. Sports culture II
P- 38. Sports culture III
P- 39. Sports culture IV
P- 40. Sports culture V
P- 41. Sports culture VI
P- 42. Physical education EJK (optional)
P- 43. Physical education NJJ (optional)
P- 44. Physical education I
P- 45. Physical education II
P- 46. Physical culture
P- 47. Physical culture
P- 48. Methodology of physical education 1
P- 49. Methodology of physical education 2
P- 50. Theory of physical and health education
P- 51. Methodology of inclusive teaching of physical and health education
P- 52. Theory of physical and health education
P- 53. Methodology of extracurricular activities in physical education (elective subject)
P- 54. Teaching methodology of physical and health education I
P- 55. Teaching methodology of physical and health education II
P- 56. Teaching methodology of physical and health education III
P- 57. Physical and health culture
P- 58. Culture of sports
P- 59. Aletika I
P- 60. Athletics II
P- 61. Swimming I
P- 62. Swimming II
P- 63. Sports gymnastics
P- 64. Rhythmic and dance structures
P- 65. Football
P- 66. Basketball
P- 67. Handball
P- 68. Volleyball
P- 69. Tennis
P- 70. Team sports
P- 71. Karate
P- 72. Judo
P- 73. Boxing
P- 74. Taekwondo
P- 75. Skiing I
P- 76. Skiing II
P- 77. Nordic skiing
P- 78. Skating
P- 80. Basic motor skills
P- 81. Anthropomotorics
P- 82. Theory and practice of sports training
P- 83. Fitness preparation
P- 84. Motor learning and control
P- 85. Planning and programming in fitness preparation for athletes
P- 86. Sports nutrition
P- 87. Kinesiological transformation
P- 88. Kinesiological transformations
P- 89. Sports recreation
P- 90. Aerobics
P- 91. Camping and excursions
P- 92. Table tennis
P- 93. Fitness and group exercise programs
P- 94. Sport climbing
P- 95. Mountaineering
P- 96. Interpersonal relations in sports
P- 97. Management in sport
P- 98. Marketing in sports
P- 99. Management in sports recreation
P- 100. Teamwork
P- 101. Organization of sports events
P- 102. Management of sports organizations
P- 103. Human resources in sports
P- 104. Intercultural management in sport
P- 105. Physiology of sports
1. Scientific field Transformational processes in sports
- Basics of motor skills
– Anthropomotorics
– Theory and practice of sports training
– Fitness preparation
– Motor learning and control
– Planning and programming in conditioning preparation for athletes
– Sports nutrition
2. Scientific field Basic sports
– Aletika I
– Athletics II
– Swimming I
– Swimming II
– Sports gymnastics
– Rhythmic and dance structures
3. Scientific field Methodology and methodology in sport
– Theory and practice of physical education and sports I
– Theory and practice of physical education and sports II
– Basics of biomechanics
– Methodology of scientific research in sports
– Kinesiometry
- General methodology of physical education and sports
- Methodology of physical and health education in primary and secondary schools
– Physical activity, sports and health
- Data analysis methods in kinesiology
– Elementary games
4. Scientific field Team sports
- Football
– Basketball
- Handball
- Volleyball
– Tennis
– Team sports
5. Scientific field Organization and management in sports
– Interpersonal relations in sports
– Management in sports
– Marketing in sports
– Management in sports recreation
– Management of sports competitions
– Management of sports organizations
– Human resources in sports
– Intercultural management in sports
6. Scientific field Winter sports
– Skiing I
– Skiing II
– Nordic skiing
– Skating
7. Scientific field Martial sports
- Karate
- Jude
– Boxing
– Taekwondo
8. Scientific field Recreational kinesiology programs
– Sports recreation
- Aerobics
– Camping and excursions
- Table tennis
– Fitness and group exercise programs
– Sport climbing
– Mountaineering
9. Nematic scientific fields
– General pedagogy
– Didactics
– History of sports
– Functional anatomy
– Physiology of sports
– Sports medicine
– Sports hygiene
– Kinesitherapy
– Psychology in sport
– Foreign language I
– Foreign language II
– Philosophy in sport
– Sociology in sport
– IT programs in sports
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