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Term of senior exams

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Graduation exam dates Graduation exams in the subjects Analysis 1, Analysis 2, Analysis 3, Differential Equations and Operational Research will be held on November 29, 2018. at 1:30 pm on FF.


University of Zenica Faculty of Philosophy Department: Mathematics and Informatics LINEAR ALGEBRA Results of the written exam held on November 21, 2018. year Buljubašić Erna 30/50b Šušnjara Nevenka 25/50b Inspection of the works is on Thursday, November 22, 2018. at 10:00. Subject teacher: assistant professor Hermina Alajbegović


Workshop for citizen journalists in Zenica

Recently, citizen-journalists have been very popular in the world, so some media already have citizen-journalist hashtags, and in Montenegro, awards were recently given to the most successful citizen-journalists. In BiH, this reporting model was brought by IMEP, the Project for Strengthening Professional Media...


Contact seminar between German and BiH universities for Erasmus+ projects

On Thursday, 15.11.2018. A UNZE delegation led by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, prof. Ph.D. Malik Čabaravdić, participated in the contact seminar between German and BiH universities for Erasmus+ projects. In front of the UNZE Faculty of Philosophy, assistant professor participated in the seminar. Ph.D. Amela…

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