Exam results for Euclidean Geometry 2 and Introduction to Linear Algebra
Results rez_03.07
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Final-oral exams with prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić Students are informed that the final oral exams with Prof. Dr. Dževad Burgić will be on Tuesday (July 9, 2019) and Thursday (July 11, 2019) at 9:30 a.m.
University of Zenica Faculty of Philosophy Department: Mathematics and Informatics Results of the written part of the exam in the subject ANALYSIS III NAME SURNAME 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL 1. Nejla Mušinović 5 6 6 10 27 2. Lejla Karać 0 5 6...
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS - INFORMATICS Results of the written part of the exam in Mathematics Teaching Methodology II Nobody passed the written part of the exam in Mathematics Teaching Methodology II. The works can be viewed on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 in...
University of Zenica Faculty of Philosophy Department: Mathematics and Informatics Zenica, 01.07.2019. Results of the final exam in the subject Introduction to Linear Algebra held on June 25, 2019. POINTS TOTAL ASSESSMENT rb Index number 1. Fazlihodžić Nirmela 59 Six (6) Review of works and registration...
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS The written exam (held on 25.06.2019) in the subject MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING was passed by: Duranović Seida, 66%, Husetović Elma, 57%, Varešković Ivan, 55%, Vuleta Katarina, 55% The oral exam will be held as agreed with…
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Exam date The written part of the exam in the subjects Analysis 2 and Differential Equations will be held on Friday, June 28, 2019. at 12:00 p.m. Zenica, 26.06.2019.
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS No candidate passed the written exam (held on June 25, 2019) in the subject Probability and Statistics. Prof. Dr. Fatih Destović
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Results of the written exam, held on June 25, 2019, in the subject NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 1: Surname and first name Number of points (out of a possible 100) 1. Dizdarević Mahir 63 The oral exam will be held as agreed with the subject …
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Results of the written exam in the subject EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY 1, held on June 25, 2019. No student took the written part of the exam. The final exam is on Friday, June 28, 2019. at 9:30. Subject teacher Assoc. Ph.D. sc.…