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ADVERTISEMENT (graduate exam term)

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS ADVERTISEMENT (graduate exam term) Written exams (for graduate students) in the subjects: Numerical Mathematics 1 Numerical Mathematics 2 Probability and Statistics Mathematical Programming Numerical Mathematics 3 will be held on Tuesday, 26.11.2019, in 14:00.…


Lectures on the subject Probability and Statistics and exam date with prof. Ph.D. Fatih Destović

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS ADVERTISEMENT Lectures on the subject Probability and Statistics will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2019, at 10:00. Oral exams in the subjects: PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 3 will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2019,...


ADVERTISEMENT (additional exam period)

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS ADVERTISEMENT (additional exam date) Written exams in the subjects: Analytical geometry Numerical mathematics 1 Numerical mathematics 2 Probability and statistics Mathematical programming Numerical mathematics 3 will be held on Tuesday, 08.10.2019, at 15...



ADVERTISEMENT EXTENDED SEPTEMBER DEADLINE Students of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics are informed that the written exams of the extended September deadline in the subjects listed below will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. year at 3 p.m. Final - oral exams are...


RESULTS of the exam from: Analysis 1, Differential Equations and Differential Geometry held on 03.10.2019.

University of Zenica Faculty of Philosophy Department: Mathematics and Informatics RESULTS of the exam in: Analysis 1, Differential Equations and Differential Geometry held on 03.10.2019. Analysis I Fazlihodžić Nirmela 12.0(2.p) Aganović Lejla ND Differential geometry Mašić Lejla 14.0 (2.p). Differential equations of Vulet...

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