Kandidat Alma Arnaut, profesor matematike i informatike, iz Kaknja, branit će magistarski rad pod naslovom: “Analiza rješenja običnih diferencijalnih jednačina”.
Kandidat Alma Arnaut, profesor matematike i informatike, iz Kaknja, branit će magistarski rad pod naslovom: “Analiza rješenja običnih diferencijalnih jednačina”.
U okviru kampanje '16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja', studentice i studenti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zenici obilježili su i ovu kampanju uličnom šetnjom sa transparentima na kojima su ispisana imena žrtava femicida u BiH posljednjih godina, kao i transparenti…
Kandidat Rabija Sarač, profesor matematike i informatike, iz Kaknja, branit će magistarski rad pod naslovom: “Efekti obrade Pitagorine teoreme i njenih primjena u osnovnoj školi kreiranjem GeoGebrinog udžbenika”.
On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, a lecture was held on the current and attractive topic "Artificial Intelligence in Teaching", which was given by Professor Sandra Gajić. The lecture was part of the program marking 30 years since the founding of the Faculty of Philosophy. Professor Gajić guided us through...
In the organization of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica and the Association of Mathematicians ZDK, and as part of the event marking 30 years of the Faculty of Philosophy, the third mathematical evening was held, which attracted a significant number of fans of mathematics and philosophy. The guest lecturer at this event was…
Candidate Lejla Mašić, professor of mathematics and informatics from Maglaj, will publicly defend her master's thesis entitled "The influence of external factors on the performance of fingerprint identification software" on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. year at 10 o'clock.
Yesterday, as part of the event "Days of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica", the second mathematical evening was held, organized by the Mathematics and Informatics study program and the ZDK Mathematicians Association. An inspiring lecture on the topic "Image of reality - fractals" was held by Prof. Dr. Dževad Zečić. The professor is…
The Mathematics and Informatics study program hosted the third challenge, and our guests were the third grade students of the Medical School from Zenica! The students responded to the challenges with interest and demonstrated their mathematical and programming skills in an interesting and...
Today, in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy, a festive exhibition of comic books and awarding of prizes for the most successful works from the recently published "Math Comic-Con" competition was held. Certificates were presented to all participants and the authors of the best comics were awarded prizes provided by the company IMTEC doo...