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Exam results - Phonology and morphology in generative grammar (14/6)

No. index Final rating Exam (points, scale %, grade) Exam (8/2) Exam(25/1) Teaching claims:
1 5653 7 13p 57% 6 20p 57% 6 0%, 5 35.5p 89% 9 parc
2 5663 5p 12% 5 100%
3 5665 3p 7% 5 11,5 26% 5 8% 5 34% 5 100%
4 5650 7p 17% 5 0 0% 5 100%
5 5642 14p 34% 5 0p 0% 5 8.5p 21% 5 100%
6 5647 6 23p 56% 6 20p 38% 5 39% 5 17.5p 44% 5 100%
7 5654 7 15p 65% 7 12.5p 36% 5 40% 5 28p 70% 7 parc

Max. points: 23-partial, 41-100%

Graduates from 10.15, matriculants Exam (points, scale %, grade) lays down
8 4967 14p. 34% 5 100
9 5318 12 p. 29% 5 100
10 4943 13p 34% 5 100
11 5502 17p. 41% 5 100


Inspection of the works on Thursday, June 23 at 10 a.m. Registration of grades after the second exam period.

N. Aljović 

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