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Exam results from the subject Non-finite phrases (June 27, 2016)

Index number Number of percentages won in the exam Additional percentages (homework) Total number of approx. Final grade
6088 82% 4,5% 86,5% 9
6348 19% 4% 19% 5
6051 24% 3% 24% 5
6089 61% 4% 65% 7
6080 42,5% 4% 42,5% 5
5491 0%
6076 45% 4% 45% 5
5487 33% 33% 5
4413 37% 1% 37% 5
5497 7,5% 7,5% 5
4965 22% 22% 5

Rating scale: 55-64% (6); 65-74% (7); 75-84% (8); 85-94% (9); 95-100% (10)

Note: The percentages obtained in classes are included in the total number of points only when the student achieves at least 55% in the final exam.

Insight into the practical part of the work: Monday, July 4, 2016. at 11 o'clock.

The deadline for entering grades and viewing the theoretical part of the work will be announced later.  

Subject teacher:
Assoc. Ph.D. Edina Rizvić-Eminović

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