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Exam results from the course Syntax and Semantics in Generative Grammar

Final rating  Teaching - grades (or points) 50% Examination
Prasaid Nermina 7 8, 6 22/40 6
Vahida Husanović ap. 59/100 6 19p 32/40 i.e.40/50
Srebrenica Larisa, named after 76/100 8 38/50 i.e. 76/100


Notes: Scale  55%  6 65% 7 75% 8  85%  9 95%  10
40p(50%ispit) 22 p 26 p 30p 34 p 38 p
50p (100% exam) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5


Inspection of works, entry of grades: TUESDAY 30/9 from 11 a.m.

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