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Exam results from the subject Phonology and Morphology in Generative Grammar (February 8, 2016)

  Exam (points, scale %, grade) Teaching Final rating
No. index 53p100%, 35pParc 14-Dec (exam-2, class-1)
5653 20p 57% 6 9 7
5506 34p 55% 6 5 6
5665 11,5 26% 5 5
5660 8p 23% 5 9
5650 0 0% 5
5652 19p 55% 6 6- 6
5642 0p 0% 5 5
5647 20p 38% 5 5
5654 12.5p 36% 5 7
5142 17.5p 33% 5
5493 16p 30% 5
3220 10 p 19% 5

max. points: 100%-53p., parc.-35p

Scale 55% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10

Inspection of works: Friday, February 26, 2016, from 1 p.m

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