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Exam results from the subject Introduction to syntactic analysis (February 8, 2016)

No. index Final rating Exam (coef.2) Teaching (coef.1)
1. 5868 60% 6 24p 62% 6 43p 55% 6
2. 5869 19p 49% 5 53p 68% 7




65% 7 21.5p 55% 6 53p 68% 7
4. 21p 38% 5 18p 23% 5
5. 5880 70% 7 30p 77% 7 53p 68% 7

Max. points: 50% 35

Scale: 55% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10

Note: Registration of grades, inspection of works: Tuesday, 23/2 from 2 pm in the office of the department.

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