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Exam results from the subject Introduction to Morphosyntax (June 13, 2016)

LAST NAME, STUDENT'S NAME Index number % on the final (from 100%) Final grade
Alma Bilić 6348 75% 8
Drocic Lamia 6134 41% 5
Krak, Melika 6051 67,5% 7
Bosnian Ivana 5648 48% 5
Durakovic Evel 2946 29% 5
Husagić Haris 5497 56% 6
Dina Mujaković 4941 67,5% 7
Lamija Neslanović 5483 45% 5

Rating scale: 55-64% (6); 65-74%(7); 75-84% (8); 85-94% (9); 95-100% (10)

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