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Exam results from the subject English literature to the reign of the Tudors

On the exam from English literature until the reign of the Tudors (I semester) held on September 29, 2015, the following results were achieved:

R.No. Index BR Points Grade
1 5875-SF 47.5/100 5
2 6075-R 39.0/100 5
3 6072-SF 37.0/100 5
4 6076-SF 35.0/100 5
5 6053-SF 34.0/100 5
6 5643-SF 3.00/100 5
7 6068-SF 0.00/100 5
8 6077-SF 0.00/100 5
9 6073-SF 0.00/100 5

Inspection of the works will take place in Friday, September 9, 2015. at 13.00.

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