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Exam results from the subject Methodology of teaching English in primary and secondary schools (June 16, 2016)

Index number Number of points Final grade
5868 68 9
5869 NP NP
5648 55 6
5485 NP NP
5497 NP NP
5879 NP NP
5886 0 5
5880 NP NP
5641 33 5
4941 55 6
5887 NP NP
5664 26 5
5661 NP NP

Rating scale: 55-64 (6); 65-74 (7); 75-84 (8); 85-94 (9); 95-100 (10)

Inspection of works and registration of grades: 29.06.2016.

Subject teacher:
Assoc. Ph.D. Nebojša, Vasić

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