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Exam results from the practical course in Shakespeareology

The following results were achieved at the final exam from the Practical Course in Shakespeareology held on July 4, 2014:

# STUDENT Points Grade
1 Sheila Drocic 91,07 9
2 Sabic Izet 80,71 8
3 Salkić Muzafera 77,14 8
4 Alihodžić Aldin 62,86 6
5 Gasic Valentina 55,00 6
6 Aida Hukić 5,71 5
7 Mujkić Menad 0,00 5


1 Sheila Drocic 100,00 92,00 100,00 91,07 93,98 (9)
2 Sabic Izet 95,00 73,00 85,00 80,71 81,57 (8)
3 Salkić Muzafera 65,00 30,00 78,33 77,14 63,71 (6)
4 Alihodžić Aldin 75,00 56,00 90,00 62,86 67,04 (7)
5 Gasic Valentina 60,00 34,00 73,33 55,00 53,25 (5)


Registration of grades and review of works will be done in Friday, July 11, 2014 at 11:00 a.m.

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