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Exam results from the subject British culture and civilization up to 1500 (July 4, 2016)

Index number Number of points Final grade
6286 0 five (5)
6203 0 five (5)
6069 0 five (5)
6325 16 five (5)
6290 0 five (5)
6269 56 six (6)
6068 18 five (5)
6078 37 five (5)
6270 50 five (5)
6295 27 five (5)
6082 13 five (5)
6150 48 five (5)
6174 0 five (5)
6209 18 five (5)
6202 0 five (5)
6342 0 five (5)

Inspection of works: on request by email later

Subject teacher:
Assoc. Ph.D. Ksenia Kondali

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