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Exam results from the subject British culture and civilization up to 1500 (June 24, 2016)

Index number Number of points Final grade
6287 88 nine (9)
6203 25 five (5)
6153 45 five (5)
6293 50 five (5)
6155 45 five (5)
6290 10 five (5)
6269 56 six (6)
6292 40 five (5)
6288 50 five (5)
6270 0 five (5)
6204 20 five (5)
6206 5 five (5)
6295 10 five (5)
6342 40 five (5)
6289 68 seven (7)
6207 55 six (6)

Inspection of works: 2.7.2016. at 10:30 am

Subject teacher:
Assoc. Ph.D. Ksenia Kondali

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