Start of classes in ac. 2021/22 year-change

In AK. 2021/2022. YEARS
- Winter semester classes for all freshmen begin on Monday 11.10.2021. years
- Classes for higher study years (2nd, 3rd, and 4th) start on Tuesday 12.10.2021. year according to the schedule published on the notice board/website of the Faculty.
- First-year students have classes in one block on Monday, during which the following activities will take place:
- Signing of the Study Agreement (department heads coordinate the collection of the same with the student service)
- Distribution of indexes to students (department heads coordinate their download with student services)
- Acquaintance of students with the method of holding classes, especially with the Google Suite platform, and on that occasion assigning them all new email addresses with the domain. If they have the opportunity, they can log in immediately using their user data. (the internet for students is free)
- Address by the Head of the Department, who will explain to the students the way of studying and their obligations, as well as all other details that may be specific to each Department
- Student welcome schedule:
a) Department of English Language and Literature 9:00 a.m
b) Department for classroom teaching 9:15 a.m
c) Department for B/H/S Language and Literature 9:30 a.m
d) Department of Cultural Studies 9:45 a.m
e) Department of German language and literature 10:00 am
f) Department of Turkish Language and Literature 10:00 a.m. (in the building of Elementary School "Miroslav Krleža")
g) Department of Mathematics and Informatics 10:15 a.m