Graduation term (March)
Deadline for the final-oral parts of the exam (Graduation deadline - MARCH) 31.03.2022. year (Thursday) from the subjects: Analysis II, Analysis III, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Programming, Mathematics Teaching Methodology I and Mathematics Teaching Methodology II.
Invitation to participate in the Second Student Conference in the field of Cultural Studies
The Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy organizes the Second Student Conference in the field of Cultural Studies entitled "Culture and the City". At the Conference, students will present papers on the following topics: "(Mis)use of public property", "Fight for public space", "Residential culture", "Urban identities",...
University of Zenica Faculty of Philosophy Classroom teaching ADVERTISEMENT - GRADUATION DEADLINE The written part of the exam in the subjects Methodology of initial teaching of mathematics I and Methodology of initial teaching of mathematics II is on Tuesday 22.03.2022. at 8:30. The written part of the exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics I and...
Workshop at the Faculty of Philosophy
Gender roles in patriarchal societies are set stereotypically and concern exclusively the supremacy role of one gender and the inferior role of the other gender. Such stereotypical division has become everyday, not only in our community, but also in modern societies. The processes of changing this state...
Final-oral parts of the exam with prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić
Final-oral parts of the exam in: Analysis II, Analysis III, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Programming, Mathematics Teaching Methodology I, Mathematics Teaching Methodology II and Elementary Mathematics I are planned for Thursday 03/03/2022 at 9 a.m. at FF.
Final-oral parts of the exam with prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić
On Tuesday 15.02.2022. the planned final-oral parts of the exam in: Analysis II, Analysis III, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Programming, Mathematics Teaching Methodology I, Mathematics Teaching Methodology II.
Final-oral part of the exam in Basic Mathematics I
The final-oral part of the exam in Fundamentals of Mathematics I is scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2022. year at 10 o'clock.
Postponement of the exam with prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić
Students are informed that they will take the exams with prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić to be moved to next Thursday (February 3, 2022) in the same time slot.