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Exam results from the course Phonology and Morphology in Generative Grammar

Br. index Zakarc evaluation Exam (scale, grade), kFref.2 Naattitude (grade), coefficient 1 He is taking an exam
5653 0%, 5 89% 9 50%
5639 (7,6) 8 65% 7 85% 9 50%
5506 23% 5 46% 5 100%
5665 8% 5 34% 5 100%
5660 (7,6) 8 66% 7 88% 9 50%
5652 0%, 5 50,5% 6- 50%
5647 39% 5 44% 5 100%
5654 40% 5 70% 7 50%
Graduate students, matriculants
im 4833 (6,8) 7 70% 7 8/5 (2013) 50%
aps 5142 18% 5 100
im 4967 27% 5 100
abs. 5493 49% 5 100
im 3220 9% 100%

Note: Inspection of works, registration of grades, Wednesday, February 3, 2016 from 11 a.m. in the OEJK office. Consultations are mandatory for students who have not passed the exam.

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