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Exam results from the subject Non-finite phrases from 05/16/2015. years

Students who took the course in ac. 2014/15:
Name and surname Zfinal exam (90%) Points for activities in class (10%) Total number percent Zinclusive grade
Ibreljic Haris 43 6 49 5
Pand south of Ajla 77.4 8 85.4 9
Students who took the course in ac. 2013/14. and earlier:
Hukić Senada 50 50 5
Iseni Samir 6 6 5
Kmonkey Samir 65 65 7
Adi Mahić 49 49 5
Varupa Azra 43 43 5
Zlotrg Alma 16 16 5

Rating scale: 55-64 (6); 65-74 (7); 75-84 (8); 85-94 (9); 95-100 (10)

Insight into the works of Assoc. Ph.D. Edine Rizvić-Eminović and the registration of grades will take place on Monday, June 22, 2015. at 10 o'clock.
An insight into the works of as. M.Sc. Amne Brdarević-Čeljo will be held on June 29, 2015. year at 11 o'clock.

teacher: assistant professor Ph.D. Edina Rizvić-Eminović
associate: c. as. Amna Brdarević-Celjo

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