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Exam results from the subject Overview of English Grammar (January 26, 2015)

r. no. NAME AND SURNAME TEST 1 (10%) TEST 2 (10%) FINAL TEST (80%) GRADE
  Theory Practical  
1. Ahmetspahić Adisa 7 8 8 6            7    (71%)
2. Chavcic Aida 9 8 6 7            7    (69%)
3. Drocic Lamia 6 7 NP NP
4. Armina Hadžić 7 7 8 6            7    (70%)
5. Isaković Lejla 9 9 8 8           8   (82%)
6. Redžić Alen 7 7 5 8 5
7. Rumeys fish 9 9 NP NP
8. Irfan Starcevic 8 8 5 6 5


Name and surname          Final Exam (100%)         Grade
  Theory Practical  
Bektash Nora 5 8 5
Kesten Hajrudin 5 5 5
Lamija Neslanović 5 5 5
Majda Pašalić 5 5 5

NP: He did not attend

Rating scale: 55-64 (6); 65-74 (7); 75-84 (8); 85-94 (9); 95-100 (10)


  1. Grades from tests in class are added to the grade on the final exam, only if it is achieved a positive grade in both parts (i.e. theoretical and practical part) on the final exam.
  1. In order to receive a positive grade on the final exam, a positive grade must be obtained from both parts (theoretical and practical parts).
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