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Results of the written exam in the subject Modern English Language 8

Presume and name status ENG→BHS MAX 30% BHS→ENG MAX 30% TOTAL
Porca Evelina 4th year 16% (30.06) 18% 34% / 5


Graduate students, matriculants, part-time students (according to the old system)

Presume and name status ENG→BHS MAX 40% BHS→ENG MAX 30% ORAL EXAMINATION (12/09/14) TOTAL
Brkic Berina matriculant 10% 9% 6% 25% / 5
Emina Jašarević matriculant 7% 6% -‐ 13% / 5
Alena Mehmedović matriculant, extraordinary 8% 10% -‐ 18% / 5
Cherim Azra graduate student 15% 12% 25% 52% / 5
Selimović Alma graduate student 16% (30.06) 16% 16% 48% / 5
Ruvić Edina -‐ -‐ 19% 9% 28% / 5
Srebrenica Larisa graduate student 8% 7% 9,5 24,5% / 5

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