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Exam results from the subject Modern English Language 8

Presume and name Status UCHANGE EXAM PART 40% ENG→BHS MAX 30%
Alispahić Albina 4th year 21,5 15% 0% 36,5/5
Chancar Amela 4th year 30,5 24% 18% 72,5/7
Džerahović Edvin 4th year 27 22% 20% 69/7
Capular of Ivan 4th year 35,5 25% 20% 80,5/8
Aldin's change 4th year 25 23% 22% 70/7
Omic Selmir 4th year 27,5 19% 16% 62,5/6
Sivac Ilma 4th year 38 28% 26% 92/9
Dino Šehić 4th year 24 15% 0% 397/5
Ilda Sisic 4th year 21,5 0% 0% 21,5/5
Maja Tabakovic 4th year 21,5 18% 0% 39,5/5
Irma Torlaković 4th year 20,5 20% 19% 59,5/6


Graduate students, matriculants, part-time students (according to the old system)

Presume and name UCHANGE EXAM PART 30% Status ENG→BHS MAX40% BHS→ENG MAX30% TOTAL
Arnaut Fenaheta 10% matriculant 13% 7% 30/5
Brkic Berina 9% matriculant 8% 3% 20/5
Emina Jašarević 8% matriculant 12% 10% 30/5
Alena Mehmedović 15% matriculant, part-time 5% 11% 31/5
Anela Sejkanović -‐ matriculant 0% 10% 10/5
Selimović Alma . graduate student 0% 11% 11/5
Srebrenica Larisa -‐ graduate student 7% 0% 7/5


*For students taking the new system, the passing threshold for the written part of the exam (translations) is a minimum of 15 points (15%). Students who won 0 points (0%) and students who won an extremely small number of points under the old system are required to come to review the work. An overview of the work and consultations will be held on Thursday at 11:00.

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