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Results of the exam held on 17/6/2014. from the course Syntax and Semantics in Generative Grammar

  Lock grade Teaching Exam (points and grade)
AvdispahićEmir 5090 5 8 5 11,5/30 5
BuzaSabina5160 5 9 5 13/30 5
DžerahovićEdvin5147 6 6 5 18/30 6
HorićEmin5093 5 9 9 9/30 5
KusurAldina5158 9 10 8 24,5/30  8+
ŠehićDino5213 5 6 8 9/30  5
Graduate students, matriculants
Vahida Husanović(aps) 5 (47/100) 19/50 (2013) 28/50
SrebrenicaLarisa 5   20/50

Maximum points after exam 100% 50p Scale: 0-25=5, 26-30=6, 31-35=7, 36-40=8, 41-45=9, 46-50=10

Maximum points for exam 50% 30p Scale: 0-15=5, 16-18=6, 19-21=7, 22-24=8, 25-27=9, 28-30=10

Inspection of works, registration of grades: Tuesday from 12 noon

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