Exam results in American culture and civilization (February 21, 2014)
Name and surname of the student |
Number of points /100 and rating |
Samir Kopic | 58, six (6) |
Mewlan Alic | 97, ten (10) |
Esmir Malagic | 77, eight (8) |
Sara Berbić | 79, eight (8) |
Larisa Krajinic | 49, five (5) |
Benjamin Bahtić | 87, nine (9) |
Mirnes Hrustić | 90, nine (9) |
Dzejlana Muharemović | 23, five (5) |
Lejla Brkic | 80, eight (8) |
Review of work, consultations and entry of grades: 28.2.2014. at 2:00 p.m.