Notice of the date of the final exam in the subjects Fundamentals of Mathematics I and II
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: CLASSROOM TEACHING Notification of the date of the final exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics I and II The final exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics I and II will be held on Monday, March 16, 2020. year starting in...
The results of the January-February deadline at van. prof. Ph.D. Edine Solak
RESULTS of the Language in Contact exam held on January 27, 2020. year Name and surname Grade 1. Sumeja Krehmić Ten (10) 2. Lejla Vehabović Nine (9) 3. Medina Tahirović Nine (9) 4. Adelisa Patković...
Methodical practice
Subject: Groups for carrying out methodological practice from the teaching subject Methodology II Group A 1. Almina Šiljak 2. Rejhana Alić 3. Amina Mačković 4. Anida Smajić Group B 1. Amina Malkoč 2. Indira Zilkić 3. Sendžana Golub Subject: Dates for attending...
Oral exams with prof. Fatih Destović
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS ADVERTISEMENT Oral exams with prof. Fatiha Destović will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Fatih Destović