Grandstand - Concrete sleepers

The forum, which was held on Tuesday, March 19, at BNP Zenica, attracted a lot of public attention.
The episode "City of Workers and Architects", dedicated to Zenica and its architecture, from the documentary series "Concrete Sleepers" was shown at the Tribune. After the screening, the authors of the series "Concrete Sleepers" who are also winners of the "Zenica Award" for affirming Zenica and strengthening its reputation in the country and the world were presented - Saša Ban, director, Nevenka Sablić, screenwriter, and Dana Budisavljević, producer, Nina Velnić, series editor, Lucija Strugar, editing assistant, NinaVelnić, and Hrvoje Franjić, cameraman.
As part of this event, a reprint of the monograph "Architecture of Bosnia and the way to the present" by architects Dušan Grabrijan and Juraj Neidhardt, whose first edition was published in 1957, was promoted. It is about The promoters of the book were distinguished corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Radivoje Mandić and Amir Vuk Zec.
After the promotion of the book, a public discussion was held on the topic "Identity of the city", in which prof. Ph.D. Vedad Islambegović, V. prof. Ph.D. Mirza Džananović, as well as Selvedin Avdić, journalist and writer.
One of the special guests was the architect Slobodan Jovandić, who during his long successful career, among other things, designed the famous buildings in Zenica - the Lamela Solitaire and the Hotel Internacional.
This forum was organized by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Association of Architects of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica.