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Study programs in the first cycle of studies

At the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica, seven single-subject study programs are offered in the first cycle of studies:

  1. Class
  2. Mathematics and computer science
  3. Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian language and literature
  4. English language and literature
  5. German language and literature
  6. Turkish language and literature
  7. Cultural studies
  8. Physical education and sports

The study lasts 8 semesters or four academic years.

Enrollment in the first year of the first cycle of studies is based on a public competition announced by the Senate of the University of Zenca, for the number of places to which the Government of the Canton has given prior approval.

Candidates who have completed a four-year secondary school have the right to participate in the competition.

Students from other universities, as well as students within the University (transfer from one study program to another) can transfer and continue their studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica, in which case the passed exams will be recognized in their entirety if there is an identity of the teaching programs. If there is a difference in the teaching the programs of passed courses determine the difference and the student is obliged to pass it.

The student submits the request for transfer with certified curricula of passed courses and a certificate of passed exams and ECTS credits to the Student Service, no later than September 15. current year.

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