Name of the study program: English language and literature
Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature
Bulletin board
Results of the final, written exam - CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE 8 held on 06/29/2015. years
2. July 2015.
Surname and name status ENG→BHS MAX 30% BHS→ENG MAX 30% ORAL EXAM MAX 40% TOTAL…
Results of the exam held on 6/29/2015 in the subject Syntax and Semantics in Generative Grammar
2. July 2015.
No. index Teaching Passing Exam Final grade 4955 6 Parc. 8p 32% 5 5 5484…
Results of the exam from the CONTRASTIVE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH AND BHS LANGUAGE held on 30/6/2015
2. July 2015.
No. index Teaching Passing Exam (points, percentages, grade) Final grade 5142 5 5 100% 14p...
Notice for third year students
1. July 2015.
Third-year students are hereby informed that the examination date for the course Victorian Literature has been moved from...