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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature

Bulletin board

LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO GAINED THE RIGHT TO ENROLL IN AK. 2021/22. year at the Department of English Language and Literature

LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO GAINED THE RIGHT TO ENROLL IN AK. 2021/22. year at the Department of English...

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Participation of students in projects

Over the past months, students in the Department of English Language and Literature have participated in two separate…

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Awards for students

As the semester is coming to an end, we decided to celebrate it at the Department and award some of the...

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"2021 English Language Day" conference

Today, the "2021 English Language Day" conference was organized at our Department - 10.05.2021. Students are…

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