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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature

Bulletin board

RESULTS OF THE EXAM Held on 7/10/2015 in the subject Syntax of simple and complex sentences

No. index Exam (coef.2) Teaching (coef.1) taken by % Final grade 5663 15p 39% 5 64.4% 7-…

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Contemporary English 2 - Results of the October term (07.10.2015)

Student Part I (EiU+Translation) 50% Part II (Dictation) 25% Part III (Text Translation) 25% OCT…

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Exam results from the subject Modern English Language 4

Passage table ac.yr. 2014/2015 Student Final exam Final grade 16.06.2015 30.06.2015. 08.09.2015. 09/22/2015...

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Notice on final exams

GRADUATE EXAMS October 2015 FOR SUBJECTS: Introduction to syntactic analysis Syntax of simple and complex sentences...

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