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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature

Bulletin board

Results of the second test in the lesson in the subject Non-finite phrases in 2013/2014

 R. no. Surname and first name of the student Tests in class Test 1 (15.04.) (max. 20) 10 (T)...

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Notice for matriculants – Exam in English III and IV

Matriculating students (pre-Bologna study program) are informed that there will be exams in English III...

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Results of the test of knowledge in class (quiz 1&2) CONTRASTING GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH AND BHS LANGUAGES

2013-14 Teaching quiz 1 (3.4) quiz 2 (29.5) AlispahićAlbina 36.7% 5 21% 6 AvdispahićEmir 39.8% 5...

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Results of the exam held on 05/06/2014 in the subject Contemporary English Language 6

Name In-class (RC & EiU) Alihodžić, Aldin 6 Alispahić, Mehrija 5 Drocić, Sejla 6 Gašić,...

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